Sunday, October 11, 2015


Hello there. So week eleven marks the last week of creative thinking (i think?) and the last lesson was just bits and snippets of what we have gone through for the past three months. It didn't feel like three months honestly but we made it through. Some mates say that creative thinking isn't an important class and all but you know, it actually is quite interesting. When i was in Lasalle, we had a similar class but there, it was called Grey Matters and we had a visual A5 journal to record our weekly classes and experiences. So it's quite an interesting transition to use blogs and since i'm already a blogger, makes it a bit more easier. Assesment is next week and if you can see up there, it's actually my juxtaposition model for 3D and i must say i'm quite happy with how it turned out and i never thought i could actually make it in 3D. I'm more of a drawing/ painting it out than a create it person. And also some of my plane models from previous assignment so let's keep our fingers crossed for assesment. I guess it's till here and let me end it with a haiku, as usual;

Nothing else matters
If the sun were to tell moon
They should be a whole.


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Magneto magnato.

Hey there. I usually begin or end with a haiku for my posts (well most of the time at least) but this time, we had to opportunity to explore magnetic poetry kit online which is a very fun game of making up stories or poems or basically anything, with given words. So I made all three haikus and i have no idea why they all turn very sexual. Read it and see for yourself.

This first haiku titled: Mid-day.

Second haiku titled: Sugar.

And the third one titled: Public.

Don't they sound sexual? It's like a bad sequel to the fifty shades trilogy. Inspiration of haiku for me started from Tyler Knott Gregson, a famous poet who does a lot of haiku. He already has his own book published and i am definitely getting it soon. Here are some examples of poems by Tyler KNott Gregson. Check it out below. Well i'll leave it at that then.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Emotion commotion potions.

Hey there. So what is up with computer mouses and feelings? I'll tell you. Our work the previous week was to convey emotions through objects, by illustrating them. And me and my buddy Hafizah got computer mouse. How do we do that? Well, here are our illustrations: (there are six emotions; sad, hardworking, creative, brave, passionate and greedy)

Let's go through them with details shall we?

So the greedy mouse wants all the functions to itself. To have back up batter in case wire doesn't work, and if battery and wire dies, there is wireless USB to back them up. Too full of itself don't you think?

We also had to do some research to see if any of our illustrations are actually existent products. As for passionate, it's a mouse with many buttons for convenience (Hafizah had a similar mouse form the same brand but a little different in terms of functions). Very passionate about its job as a mouse (the normal misconception of passionate only being about love but not in this case). So there is actually a mouse with many buttons. It is a gaming mouse and the buttons are located all at one side of the mouse for gaming convenience.

As for the creative mouse, we had the mouse be shaped in a form of another animal, or insect rather, a bee. And believe it or not, there is a mouse that is shaped like a real mouse and i for one would not use it because i love mice and have owned them as pets so that is actually not a nice sight.

The sad computer mouse, basically has its trackball out of its system and what is a mouse without its trackball? Does it even function? (Let's put aside the fact that there are laser mouses available in this era)

As for the brave mouse, if you can see, is actually smaller than the other three intimidating mouses beside it and yet, it still wants to stand tall and work despite its disadvantage being small. Brave mouse indeed!

And last not but least, the hardworking mouse, which also acts as a touch keyboard, laser powered. I found a similar concept though not laser powered, it is actually a keyboard and mouse combo, made by Lenovo. The objective of this convenient keyboard and mouse combo is not very clear, whether for gaming or artsy softwares but it is pretty cool. It had a wireless trackball with right and left click all built-in, and of course the keyboard all in one.

I would say almost all the examples could have fit each other well, depending on how you elaborate the illustration. Definitely a worthy exercise of the mind and creativity. Who knew some of the illustration actually exists in real life? And i've realized that for some, we think productivity-wise and some, we actually concentrate on the emotions more itself. Either way, it's a win-win situation. Well, till the next.


Friday, September 25, 2015

Twiddle dee twiddle dum.

  Why and how do we ask questions?

How do we ask questions?

Why do we ask questions?

So as you can see, our assignment for this week was about asking questions. And Madam said something very notable about asians, and how we, as children were taught not to ask questions. One because we are such a large groups sometimes, compared to western countries like Australia or USA. And it actually makes a lot of sense now as to why that kid who'll keep asking the teacher "Why?" will get punished and made to stand at the back of the class. We were taught not to ask. And it is pretty sad to think of it and how we bring it all the way to this level of education and maybe even further to when we start working (again, for me). So there is this virtual sharing whiteboard (since we already have a blackboard- see what i did there) and we were to give pointers on why and how we ask questions and above are some of my examples how. And i feel that a question does not necessarily has to be replied with an answer. It can be replied with a question and it can go back and forth and that is when you know that is an interesting conversation and one where you can definitely learn something from. I myself ask quite a lot of questions and sometimes just to satisfy my curiosity as a being and sometimes obviously to satisfy my doubts and wonders. So there you go, and hey i'll finish it with a questionable haiku (rhetorical or not, you tell me).

Do you not see it?
Should one keep going or stop?
What would you have done?


Once, twice, three times a game changer.

Heyyo. So there is also this work where we need to find on something that was thought of in the past, but only applied now. Or perhaps something that changes the game (i hope you get what i mean). Well i am probably one in ten blackberry users left on the face of the earth and i was browsing through apps for blackberry and came across this fingerprint scanner. Now we all know how that works right? you scan your fingerprint and no one else can unlock your phone except you. So i downloaded and tried. And i tried a few times and they didn't ask me for a fingerprint to start with. And it straight up went to the scanner. I spent a good twenty minutes trying to figure it out because i couldn't access my phone if i didn't learn how to work it. And i finally figured it out. It's not about your fingerprint at all! It's about the number of times you scan your print. So i initially got it set to two times, and that is how many times it has to scan my fingerprint before it unlocks! TOTAL GAME CHANGER. My blackberry never fail to surprise me. There is a demo video at the top to show you how it works. So there you go.


Chickadee bee.

Hello there it's been awhile but i'm back. So the other day we were doing a group work (oh there has been some changes to our group so now it's just the two of us; Hafizah and I. Due to unforeseen circumstances, a group member had to leave but we're still here nonetheless)

So numero uno: There is this situation where i've got a nice house with a yard, and i have a neighbour that has chickens in his. So there's a hole in the fence that separates our houses and his chickens keep coming to my yard and destroying my beautiful plantations. How do i get the chickens to not continue their untimely destruction of my beauties? Here's the catch: my neighbour should not feel offended and i cannot kill any of the chickens. Hafizah took on this case and she did a pretty good job at it. (30 feasible and applicable reasonings)

Numero dos: Bee buddy was out the window and saw a painting of flowers and next to it was a vase of flowers. (fresh or not fresh, real or not real, you be the judge yes?) Bee buddy straight up went to the painting instead of the flowers. Why is that? I took over this case and well i guess i did a pretty good job at it too. (same also, 30 feasible and applicable reasonings)

Numero uno interesting reason would be that there was a ladybee on the painting so flirty Mr bee wanted to check her out

Numero dos reason would be that there were already a lot of bee friends crowding around the real flowers so it took the risk and went straight for the painting instead (somehow bold but greedy move)

Numero tres reason is that, okay this has a bit of science involved so basically the real flowers were, per say, roses and roses do not contain nectar which primarily bees would look for in a flower and in the painting were flowers which contain nectar (makes sense?)

And as you would already know, the class was about Lateral Thinking. Interesting as it is, it actually makes a lot of sense and keep your brain juices flowing. Thinking out of the box really makes me see things in a different perspective sometimes. Why be the norm when you can stand out? We are not made to fit in and go with the flow (sometimes). We don't all have to necessary think alike all the time. Sometimes you got to voice out your own and not follow suit. Oh i am one to know about these things. I won't say i'm that special or stand-out-from-the-crowd kind of person but i am definitely something. I'll let you be the judge to that. Here's a little haiku to close this off;

We can't go without
We can't go without standing
We can't all be one


Sunday, September 13, 2015

jugos creativos y batidos

Hey there. So this was the mindmap that we did on What Makes Us More Creative? Group work with Lulu and Hafizah, basically on what are the factors that makes us more creative as indivuduals and if necessary, why. So a bit of reflection here, while doing the mindmap and listing down the probabilities and possibilities, even when allowed to use google and stuff, some of the ideas that we thought of, came to us naturally. Maybe it's the way we work, how we do our things and how we create and generate the creativity within us. It did help with google but i think we could've done it even without it (i'm not bragging i'm just saying we could because we are creative people right? hah)
The factor that relates to me most would definitely be isolation, and a bit of feelings. You know when you're feeling great and positive and seeing the glass half full, it helps your creativity flow and at the same time, when you are feeling down and beat, seeing the glass almost empty, it also helps to improve yourself and your creative juices. I mean it goes in a different direction but there is no right or wrong in creativity right? Isolation too, it helps. I guess i like my alone time and thinking and talking to myself (a lot actually). So there you go. Till then.


Son of a man.

Things may not seem such
What you see may not be real
But who is to say?

Hey there. So who is behind that infamous painting of a pipe? Or so you think. Ceci n'est pas une pipe. Basically translates to "This is not a pipe". Belgian surrealist painter (yes my favourite kind of painters), Rene Magritte is the man responsible for the painting above and if you can see below, a photo of him with yet another famous painting of his titles The Pilgrim. I have seen a few of Magritte's paintings but never really went into depth about who painted it and everything.

The Pilgrim, 1966

The Human Condition, 1933
 This particular piece interest me, makes one think about what we see and what we are made to see/believe. With all the controversies and conspiracies around the world, don't you think this painting makes much sense?

 The Son of Man, 1964

Golconde, 1963

So yeah, Rene Magritte and his surrealist paintings. One famous artist who was influenced by Magritte's surrealistic approach to art is Andy Warhol and i am such a big fan of surrealism i need to get out of my confort zone and experiment more on other techniques, really. Till then.


reflejos y reflectores.

Hello. So i have not been regular here but here i am. So the previous topic was to find out about reflective thinking and reflexive thinking. First thing that comes to mind when i think reflection, is to think about what you have done, what can be done to improve, and pick up pointers. Basically the aftermath i guess? So relfexive should probably be the opposite am i right? Reflexive thinking should be what is thought of when something is going on, or perhaps even before it goes on. Pre-happening?

I found some extracts of the internet about reflexion and reflection and here's what i found out:

  • Reflective thinking is more to do with self, about what you have done and how you can improve on what you have done, spending alone time to, well, reflect. 

  • Reflexive thinking, involves people around you, what you think about surroundings, people and basically involves not only our individual self but also those around.
They have their similarities, involving thinking, and observing. But all in all, I think i'm split in half between a reflexive and a reflective thinker but if I had to choose one, I'd probably say i'm a reflexive thinker? People around me and things going on around me concern me more than myself. I'll take that as a good thing.

Also, we did some lateral thinking work for class and man, it is frustrating but exciting all at the same time! Thinking outside the box, thinking away from the norm, and basically just think. We did the dots and lines and golfballs and i swore i wanted to cry, but i'm not sure if i wanted to cry because i could'nt figure it out or because the answer was actually very simple.

So yeap those are drafts of what we did in class. Till then.  


Monday, August 24, 2015

Prezi Pizzeria Pezzo Pizzas

Hello. We did a presentation on our breaking the rules and what not and some of us were not as presentation-ready than others thus, the work this week was to list ten ways on making a good or even great presentation and i've prepared mine is ppt. slides so here you go!

On a separate note, we were supposed to do some research about this Prezi app (i'm not tech savvy so i don't know my way around softwares, not even photoshop but i'll have to learn don't i? So Prezi is this software that is so interesting i can't possibly figure it out in one sitting. And i tried my first Prezi and came up with this! hehe

I mean the topic of my Prezi is quite irrelevant but it's so cool and i might consider using it for future presentations. Thanks Prezi maker whoever you are.

Get out you, get out
Run away and step out now
There's no time to waste